One of the most popular range from Navtec France which is potentially the most appealing for the Australian market. No creeping caused by prolonged exposure to stress. Lead times are excellent – around 3 weeks – so it is not too late to get your boat ready for this summer’s racing!
Navtec Aramid cables are constructed with continuous parallel yarns of Kevlar -49® fibers covered in a black polyethylene sheath.
5 times lighter than steel
No creep with Aramid finer – Dyneema does experience creep.
Very large choice of cable sizes: from 3T to 300T breaking load
Polyethylene black cover: 100% waterproof, UV proof, unbeatable abrasion resistance.
Accept nearly all types of end fittings depending on customers needs.
All cables are pull tested up to 50% of their breaking loads before shipping.
Navtec standard terminals are made in standard grade 6000 series aluminium .
Available also in Nitronic 50 or Titanium to suit various applications or budgets.
Represents up to 40% of COST SAVING on your budget when you need to replace your cable! All fittings can be reused independently of the fiber core.
Those cables are ideal for:
Backstay and backstay bridles
Headstay and Inner Forestay
Lateral rigging (multihulls)
BEST SELLER on racing (used on most offshore multihull racing winning programs) and cruising multihulls (chosen by Outremer, Catana, Lagoon, Alibi, and Sun Reef to name a few…)
Please send us your requirements – material, diameter, length and end fittings of your existing cables and will quote the right Aramid Biconic cable that will optimize your rig.

Tang Attachment with Navtec Biconic Fitting

Kevlar 90 Tonnes Cap shrouds Maxi Catamaran SY VITALIA II

Navtec PBO Rigging
V1 and D1 Barrel pin Turnbuckle